Tag Archives: spinach artichoke dip

Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip

I love spinach artichoke dip!!  I have tried it many different ways at many different places and this is my favorite recipe yet!  These pregnancy cravings are starting to get a little crazy.  One minute  I want chocolate milk and the next well you guessed it… spinach artichoke dip.  Not at the same time of course that would not be good.  A plus side to this is that spinach is SO SO good for you and ladies if you are pregnant it gives you a boost of folic acid!  So even with all the cheese and cream in there you are still getting some good stuff!!

Most recipes you look for online have mayonnaise in the them.  I have tried one or two of those and I really didn’t enjoy them.  So what I have done it taken different recipes, added my own touch to them and come up with what I think is one of the best spinach dips I have ever had!  I use fresh spinach instead of frozen.  You can use frozen if you want to.  If you are using fresh spinach just remember that it shrinks down a lot so what may look like at lot when its raw won’t amount to a lot when it is cooked.

DSC_0111 Doesn’t that look yummy!!


20 ounces cooked (or frozen) spinach drained
1 14 ounce can artichoke hearts drained and chopped
1 10 ounce jar Alfredo pasta sauce
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese plus more for topping
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 8 ounce package cream cheese softened
2 cored and chopped jalapeno (more to taste)
1 medium tomato diced *optional
Garlic powder to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large pot cook spinach and drain. Put the spinach back in the pot and combine all the ingredients over low heat just until everything comes together. Taste your mixture and add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to your liking. Now if you are feeding several people and need to bake all of your spinach dip pour the mixture into a large baking dish 8×8 usually holds all of the dip and bake in a 350 degree oven until bubbly hot. Top the mixture with mozzarella cheese and put back into the oven until melted and starting to brown.

OR if you want to warm up just a little at a time you can bake them in smaller dishes such as ramekins. Your cooking time will be much less. I personally like making this full recipe and then warming it up in small servings as I get a craving!


Your spinach dip can be eaten with chips or with slices of baguette, or whatever you like!! I hope you enjoy this dish!
We love it at my house!


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Posted by on June 14, 2014 in Uncategorized


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